Prostitute Dies During Love Making Resurrects In Coffin
A prostitute in Bulowayo, Zimbabwe, is bringing new meaning to the term “killer s*x” after authorities thought she died during an encounter with a customer. However, she came back to life just as officials placed her in a metal coffin. The incident occurred last week at the Manor Hotel and the escort, later identified as MaNdlo, reportedly collapsed and died while having s*x with a client.
But when authorities came to collect the body of the prostitute and put it in a steel coffin, she suddenly woke up in a panic screaming, “You want to kill me!” at the officers.
Seeing a woman presumed to be dead spring back to life shocked onlookers, many of whom ran away in fear.
“It was like a movie,” a source said. “People were running away in different directions. It was a scary incident because we were all convinced that she had died because she was just cold. Miracles surely do happen.”
MaNdlo was taken home by another working girl and the unidentified John who allegedly “killed” her reportedly sneaked out of the hotel moments after the cops had left.