Kenyan rapper, Prezzo whose real name is Jackson Ngechu Makini on Wednesday confessed his feelings for his former housemate in the just concluded Big Brother Africa stargame, Goldie Harvey saying one of his missions in Nigeria is to see her.“In all honesty, I cared about her and she cared about me. In that house, you don’t know what to expect. With God on my side I pray everything works out well"
In an interviewed with his fans said at first he came to the Big Brother House as a personal, on the road he said he developed feelings for Goldie.
Na Big Brother Africa they bring this one so? eh eh I open my eye dey watch.
hehehe Lmao Ogus baba wetin u dey think oh?
ReplyDeletethink? heheh i non tink anytin oh but i dey watch out for the part 2 :p
DeleteBroke ass ogus...always d last to carry gist
ReplyDeleteeh eh Francex you dey do your own now oh :P
Deleteds ur title na wa oo..see as u reverse d tin...instead of prezzo i can marry Goldie..u make me read am quick quick tink say ma sis don confess
ReplyDeletehhehehehe Rachel
Delete@rachel I swear.. I tink say na goldie talk dat one o