Saturday, 2 February 2013

Boy Living With Hare-Lip, Split Palate

A five-year-old boy in the North West province has been living with a severe facial deformity since he was born because his family cannot afford to take him to hospital for an operation. Pietros Mokunke, who lives in Goedgevonden township near Ventersdorp, was born with a hare-lip and a split palate. His right hand and both his feet were also not fully formed. His defects are very noticeable: his teeth are growing skew through a gap in his upper lip, and his toes look like they’ve melted together. More Pictures After the cut


  1. feel so sorry for him eayah

  2. nothing new/strange at all.are there not charitable organisatiin that takes care id cases like this un the country?

  3. i hope he gets help fast

  4. Please anytime you have a case like this in ur area,kindly contact me,with 100k,i cantake care of it

  5. If they make a little publicity like announcing it on television stations; I think people might help.


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