Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Collection Of Akpos Jokes A-z

                                                                 Akpos And Teacher
Akpos came first in his class and his
teacher gave him a gift sayng: well
done Akpos, hope you ll come out
first even next term...

Akpos smiled and said: thank you
sir, hope you ll print question
papers at my uncles print press
again next time...
Click the read more for all the jokes is Happy Read as You Laugh the Day Out with Collections of Akpos Jokes.

Dear teaser, I am greet you but it is not with all
my heart that i have do it. But teaser why, this ya
act is very idiomatic expression. Why did you
give my pikin tolu 3 over 10 in English? I have
crossed check her work thoroughly&have­ see
that what she has write it dey very correct. So now, what make you givam this small mark? Ah
teaser, I am dey very dismantled in you, Don't
you know dat i teaser her english day by
night&she has know well well! So why the shamu
shamu mark? Okay, you're jealous her becos in
this her small age, she has know what you were'nt know when you were dey like this! Let me put paragraph.

Ehen, better delete&remark her paper as i dey
see you so oh or else if i come on the two of
december, the headmaster will hear it.

Yours vexation, Mama Tolu

Akpos And The Two Men
Akpos was being chase by
two men for one of his
Numerous Chrime.
On d spot Akpos ran into
the forest and the men
followed him.
Akpos got into d forest and
climbed the a tree, The
Two men got to the tree
where Akpos was and did
not knw where he ran to.
Angrily one of the men
retorted 'This boy has
escaped again'
His colleague replied 'I
know him if i call his Name
3 times, he wil ansa me!
On hearing this Akpos burst
laugh from the tree and
said to the men:
Hahahah if you like call my
name from now till next
year, i will not ansa you, do
u think am the akpos of
last year?

Akpos And Mother
Akpors is right back from school, tired and hungry
Mother: Akpors u are back?
Akpors: Yes mum..
Mother: What were u taught in school 2day?
Akpors: It's agriculture
Mother: Which topic?
Akpors: Desert.!
Mother: What is desert?
Akpors: A desert is a place where grass nevergrow
Mother: Gud boi..gv example?
Akpors: Uncle's head.

Akpos and MOM
MAMA AKPORS: Akpors, why did you fail your Test?..
AKPORS: The boy seating next to me did not come today

Akpos and Father
Akpors' father buys a LIE DETECTOR Robot that
slaps people who lie. He decided to test it at
dinner. Dad: Akpors, where were you today during
school hours? Akpors: At school. (Robot slaps akpors) Akpors: Okay, I went to my friends House! Dad: Which one? Akpors: Godons
(Robot slaps again) Akpors: Okay, I was watching porn. Dad: What? When I was your age I didn't even
know what porn was. (Robot slaps dad) Mom: Hahahahahaha!!! After all "he is your
son"! (Robot slaps mom).

Akpos and Papa
AKPOS: Papa when I go HEAVEN,
I go ask Mama
why she Died so Soon..

PAPA: What if she dey HELL?..

AKPOS: Na u go ask her be that....... Good

Akpos In Exam Hall
It was a chemistry class and the
teacher asked the students each
to name one gas they know.

Charlie- Oxygen gas
Vincent- Nitrogen gas
Lizzy- Hydrogen gas
Akpos- Tear gas

Teacher: Akpos you ve jst one more chance to answer the
question correctly else you ll be punished.

Akpos thinks harder and said:

Akpos In Class Room
At school, Akpos was told by a
classmate that most adults are
hiding at least one dark secret,
and that this makes it very easy to
blackmail them by saying, "I know
the whole truth" even when you
don't know anything.
Akpos decides to go home and try
it out. As he is greeted by his
mother at the front door he says,
"I know the whole truth." His
mother quickly hands him #500
and says, "Just don't tell your
father." Quite pleased, akpos
waits for his father to get home
from work, and greets him with,
"I know the whole truth." The
father promptly hands him #1000
and says, "Please don't say a word
to your mother." Very pleased,
akpos is on his way to school the
next day, when he sees the
mailman at his front door. Akpos
greets him by saying, "I know the
whole truth." The mailman drops
the mail, opens his arms and says,
"Then come give your FATHER a
big hug!"

Comment here if you enjoy reading the jokes from Akpos the leading Internet comedian. 

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